By: Marlayne Giron
Published by: Tate Publishing
ISBN: 9781607991847
276 Pages
Genre: Fiction/Christian/Fantasy
Product Description (from the back cover):
A benevolent King; …his sword of power; …a ruthless traitor bent on revenge; …and the faithful son who stands in his way with the woman destined to share his throne.
Who shall emerge as the victor in this epic struggle between good and evil to govern the lives of hapless men?
The General Review: The Victor is a fantastically written story about how good triumphs over evil. Filled with conflict, despair and heartache, this novel depicts that love conquers all and to not lose hope.
Likes: The medieval world that Giron creates is captivating, and after the first few chapters (see below) I was sucked in. Her descriptions are brilliant; I did not want to put the book down.
Dislikes: The Prologue and 1st chapter are long and a little slow. I almost lost interest. I think the author should have broken up the prologue into a few chapters.
Closing Comments: Though The Victor is an allegory of major Bible events, you do not have to be religious to appreciate the fantasy world that the author has created.